Below are the Consulting and Coaching Services Two Way Speech offers. These services can be customized or grouped together to fulfill your family’s individual needs. Contact us today at to start coordinating what serves are right for you. Service prices start at $150.

1 GEneral Consultations and Coaching

Everyone’s therapy journey is unique and often times parents have questions or need guidance regarding their specific plan.  Many families also need help coordinating and making sure goals collaborate between all of their therapists.  During General Consultations and Collaborations you will meet with Janice either in person or through teleconference.  During the meeting we will discuss any concerns or questions you may have and figure out the best approach to take.  Prices depend on services we agree upon. 

2 DEvelop a Therapy Process Map™

Developing a Therapy Process Map™ allows you to prioritize and understand where you are in the therapy process, and it will help you define what steps to take next.  While developing a Therapy Process Map™ we may discuss the following: functional goal setting, treatment planning, prioritizing different therapies, discharge planning, creating habits and developing systems to help towards progress. 

Add Home Activities

  • Write up of different games and activities you can do at home with your child to target the goals on the Therapy Process Map

Add Explanation of the Disorder

  • Written summary of the disorder, evidence based strategies and treatment used to target the population with this disorder, and a list of relevant resources and references.

3 Parent Coaching

During Parent Coaching you will learn strategies to help increase your child’s speech, language, and communication skills.  Strategies that are targeted will be customized to your child’s communication needs at this time.

4 Create a Language Environment

To increase communication we need to understand communication opportunities.  Creating a language environment will help you understand the best ways to create speech and language opportunities in your everyday environment. 

5 Understand your Health Benefits

Health insurance is constantly changing and it is important to understand your plan benefits to make smart decisions when deciding which direction to go in therapy.  With your permission, Janice will call your insurance company and help you understand the speech-language pathology and occupational therapy benefits that are included in your insurance plan.